Sephora’s Instagram posted yesterday that, courtesy of SephoraShares, you can download A Beautiful Mess for free. This app cost $.99 through the iTunes App Store, but it’s free if you go through Yay!
I had wanted to download this girly photo editing app before this free download, but the numerous reviews about all “the good fonts and effects” only being available through in-app purchases and the initial $.99 price seemed like a waste. I’m glad I got it for free through Sephora though. The app has enough cool fonts and doodles to make your pictures more fun.
It was super easy to download onto my phone
Thanks for the free app, Sephora!
Starbucks has a similar program through their iPhone app; you can download a free song of the week and sometimes, a free app as well. Definitely a cool way to discover new music/apps!