The 2018 Erin Condren LifePlanner launch was officially on May 4th and there are a lot of really neat details and changes that were made with the 2018 version. I subscribed to the Planner Peeks emails leading up to the launch, so I was able to order my new LifePlanner during the pre-sale on May 1st. Here’s a look at what’s new with the planners + how I built and personalized my 2018 Erin Condren LifePlanner:
There are quite a few changes and improvements with the new 2018 Erin Condren LifePlanner! From new hardbound options to new paper weight to a new theme and layouts — there’s a lot to see with the new planners. These are a few of the new things I am excited to see in the new ECLP:
This is the most exciting change for me in the LifePlanner! The new paper is sourced in the USA from Mohawk Industries. This new paper is thicker so your pens won’t bleed through and your LifePlanner will feel more luxurious. I can’t wait to see/feel it. You can find out more about the new paper in this video:
I really like this new Painted Petals theme. It looks like little brush strokes on a watercolor background. You can see the theme throughout the detailing on the LifePlanner and on the velum page in the front. There are also a bunch of new accessories in this Painted Petals theme like stickers, washi tape, bookmarks, and sticky notes — so you can coordinate each month with something new.
The dot grid notebooks I have are awesome and I was happy that some dot grid pages were included in this planner. I always appreciate having blank pages in the back for tracking goals or planning a vacation. I am super excited about having the new coloring pages because I like to color with colored pencils and it’ll be nice to have them coiled into my planner.
There are new stickers coiled in the back of the new 2018 LifePlanners! I am excited to get to see them. The ones I saw were foiled and functional; my favorite! These will be a nice change and feel extra special with the metallic touch.
With all these changes, I was excited to order my new 2018 ECLP during the pre-sale. And since I had subscribed to the emails, I got early access to the site to order everything like I mentioned earlier. Erin Condren’s site walks you through all the steps to build out your perfect LifePlanner and if you want to get $10 off your first purchase, create an account through my link.
This year you can choose from the Luxe Cover planner, the traditional coiled planner, or the new hardbound planners. I chose my favorite, coiled LifePlanner option. Here’s a look at how I built out my planner:
I chose the Painted Petals cover for my 2018 Erin Condren LifePlanner. There are a few new covers this year, but I really liked the rainbow water color. And since Painted Petals is the theme of this year’s planner, I really wanted to get the “signature planner”.
I’ve been using the horizontal layout since they released it and I love it. So this year, I chose the horizontal again in the colorful option. To me, Erin Condren LifePlanners are truly special because of their bright colors throughout the planner. Last year I contemplated getting the neutral option, but I didn’t want to miss out on the “Erin Condren experience” so I had to get the colorful. I’m so glad I did. The different color scheme each month really motivates me and keeps me interested. Here’s a look at the different interiors between the colorful and the neutral options:
This year, you have the option to order a 12-month planner starting July 2017 through June 2018. This would be a good option if you use your planner for the school year instead of the calendar year. They also have an 18-month option, but I chose the standard January – December 2018 because 18-months is too long for me to stay in one planner. Plus, I am loving my current 2017 LifePlanner so much.
There are four coil options again this year: platinum, gold, rose gold, and black. I chose platinum since it seems more neutral to me in case I change colors and it’s the standard option with no additional charge. Little personalizations can add up in price, but you’ll have your planner for the entire year and longer, so it’s worth it if you truly love those little upgrades. Don’t forget, you can get $10 off your first purchase at Erin Condren when you sign up through my link.
You can personalize your cover with your name or a phrase or the year. I ordered mine to say MuffinChanel. You can get a live preview of your text to see if you like it before putting it in your cart. I really like the script font with the Painted Petals theme/cover.
I ordered a bunch of accessories with my 2018 Erin Condren LifePlanner and I’m really looking forward to when they arrive.
I ordered the Classic Sticker Book #3, the Stylized Sticky Notes, the Painted Petals washi, and the Snap-In Bookmarks. Because they all are in the Painted Petals theme, they should compliment my new planner well. I can’t wait to get them.
And because I ordered early enough, I was able to get two gifts with purchase: a turquoise hardbound notebook, and a Painted Petals sticker sheet!
All pre-sale orders should ship around mid-May and even though I can’t use my planner until January 2018, I’m still excited!
If you are ordering your first LifePlanner from Erin Condren, be sure to use my link to sign up for an account and get $10 off your first purchase. I’ll post pictures of everything I ordered once it arrives. I can’t wait until everyone starts getting their orders and posting online; I love looking at everyone’s planners and their Erin Condren hauls!