I’ve been using the Polaroid Zip photo printer for a while now, and I stocked up on a lot of the zink paper. I love decorating my planner with little photo memories and having real photos I can touch. Polaroid updated their app on iOS, and lately it’s been really awful navigating to try to print out a photo. I found a deal on the HP Sprocket photo printer and it uses similar zink paper. Since I have a lot of the Polaroid paper still, I started wondering if you can use the Polaroid zink paper in the HP Sprocket.
I did a full review of the Polaroid Zip photo printer, and for a long time I really loved it. But whatever update Polaroid did to their app really ruined the process for me. It’s hard to sync my phone to the printer, and it’s so awful trying to select pictures to print. Until Polaroid changes up the app, I just can’t use it anymore.
The HP Sprocket photo printer is super cute. It’s a similar size to the Polaroid but it looks a lot more sleek. I bought the white printer with a rose gold detail. The printer came with one pack of zink paper and the usb charging cable. The HP app for iOS is so good. It’s very easy to connect to your phone and to select the pictures you want to print.
The quality of pictures is pretty similar to what the Polaroid Zip was for me, but the Polaroid hasn’t worked for me in so long because of the app so I can only compare with past printouts I have. One thing I dislike about the HP Sprocket app is you can’t create a collage with two pictures per photo paper like the Polaroid Zip could. I have to create a collage in a separate app in order to get the print I like to fit my planner.
I have so many zink paper packs for the Polaroid printer, and they seem very similar to the paper for the HP Sprocket. I decided to see if you can use Polaroid zink paper with the HP Sprocket — and you definitely CAN! It works perfectly.
The only thing you need to do in order for it to work is use the blue Zink Smartsheet card for the HP Sprocket with the photo paper from the Polaroid Zip. The blue little card is what lets the printer know that you have the right paper, so just swap out the Polaroid card with the HP card when you load in new paper, and it’ll work perfectly. Make sure you keep the blue card and just reuse it each time.
I’m so glad I discovered this since I already have a few packs of the Polaroid zink paper stocked up, and it looks like the Polaroid paper is a little less expensive than the HP paper right now. I hope this is helpful for you! Let me know if you have any questions about it on Twitter!