This is my second month of being vegan! I started eating vegetarian in 2013, and decided to progress to eating completely plant-based in September. The transition has been alright so far, especially since there are so many amazing vegan “substitute” foods available. I’m also still on my weight loss journey — which has slowed down since I lost 30 lbs. I’ve lost 6 more pounds since then, and I wanted to share what I eat in a day now that I’m vegan:
Every day is obviously not the same, but this is what a typical day of eating looks like for me. I don’t drink anything but water, and I’ll usually drink anywhere between 3-4 liters/day. Also, as a quick disclaimer — this is what I choose to eat in a day in order to have a calorie deficit/lose weight. I’m not suggesting that you do this, or that my way is the healthiest way. Just sharing my 1200 calorie vegan diet!
BREAKFAST: Cream Cheese & Caper Toast
I usually eat something small for breakfast. I’ll alternate between avocado on toast with red onion, kale micro greens with some lime and red pepper flakes, or this cream cheese, capers & red onion toast:
I love the Kite Hill Cream Cheese Style Spread. (I recently bought the Chive flavor and I can’t wait to try it!). I spread a thin layer on my Ezekiel 4:9 bread, add a thin slice of red onion, about a teaspoon of capers, and a squeeze of lime juice. Yum!
LUNCH: Chicken-less Nuggets + Chips
These nuggets are super delicious and easy to pop in the oven. I just eat them with ketchup and some Pringles (Original). WholeFoods has some amazing vegan options from their store brand.
DINNER: Arugula Salad + Cream Cheese & Caper Toast + Cookie
I love having a large salad for dinner. For my arugula salad, I take a tub of the regular arugula from WholeFoods, and some red onion. I toss that together with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing, and add half off an avocado and three Gardein Seven Grain Crispy Tenders. So good!
Then I’ll make another cream cheese, caper toast because I love it, and I’ll have an Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie from Uncle Eddie’s.
That’s a typical day for me now that I am vegan. I am still taking those supplements (this one and this one) that I mentioned in my weight loss post, and they are vegan too.
It can be more challenging to count calories when you eat out, so I find that it’s just easier for me to prepare my own food. And that works out better for me being vegan too, so I don’t have to think about how restaurants are preparing their food or if they are aware of all the things “vegan” entails.