I love feeling accomplished at the end of the day — like I completed what I set out to do and maybe even more than that. I am always trying to be the most efficient and productive in what I do in order to make the most out of my time. Here’s a list of 12 tips that can help to increase your productivity:
Set your intention for the day. What are the top things that you want to accomplish in the day? Can you narrow it down to have just a top 3 list for the day. If you have a focused set of items you want to accomplish, then you are more likely to accomplish them. I like to use my Erin Condren Life Planner to plan out my weeks and days. Â I like to write out the things I want to do in the day with a little checkbox, and then I focus on those items the next day. I feel a huge sense of accomplishment when I can check off something on my list.
If you want to function at optimum levels, you should get into a routine and make sure you are sleeping enough each night. Try to go to bed at the same time every night, and don’t look at your phone right before bed; the light can make it harder for you to fall asleep. I use a sleep mask to block out any light and help me to get to sleep faster. Recently, I switched to a Fitbit Alta HR which tracks your sleep cycles and how frequently you wake up in the night. It’s really insightful to see and it helps me to make changes throughout the day that can help me get a better sleep at night.
If you find that you are rushing out the door in the morning, or that you don’t have any time, try to wake up at least 15 minutes earlier. When you give yourself more time in the morning, you can “transition” into fully waking up and have more time to do the things you want to do. Plus, waking up earlier will become easy when you are getting a full night’s sleep.
Plan your outfits the night before, figure out what you’ll eat for breakfast, pack your lunch, gather your items. By handling these decisions the night before, you are conserving your decision-making energy for other things.
Gathering your items together the night before will help make sure that you get everything you need for the day. If you know you will be on your phone a lot or traveling, you can remember to bring your chargers. Or if you need to bring tickets to an event, or an umbrella for the day. Whatever it is, thinking about what you need the night before will help prepare you for tackling your day.
It might seem easier or “more productive” to try to multi-task, but in reality you are more productive if you complete one task at a time. Be mindful and aware of what you are doing — you will be more accurate, and complete your task faster.
If you become easily distracted while on the computer, make your working window full-screen so you can’t watch/do other things at the same time. If you’re able to turn off the Wi-Fi and keep working, try it!
If you have appointments or things you need to remember, write them down immediately. Once you write out your reminder, you can release it from your mind. It takes mental energy to remember things, and writing something out will not only help you to remember it more but also allow you to use that mental energy toward something else.
If you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, taking a day or two off can help you to clear your mind and regain your focus. If you are able to re-center your mind, you can be more productive.
If you are one to delay things you don’t want to do, consider tackling those things first. Procrastination can build up the stress or fear that you feel about doing that task. Maybe you aren’t sure where to begin, or maybe you are overwhelmed with the size of the project — whatever it is, try to knock that project out right away so you can just be done with it and can move on to things that are more fun or easier.
Spend a little time each day visualizing what it looks like for you to accomplish your goals. How do you feel when you have done the job? Are you feeling relieved and proud? Do you feel accomplished and at peace? Keep these feelings in your mind as motivation to finish the task.
A positive attitude can help get you through most situations. Sometimes it can be hard to have a good attitude or feel like you’re dreading something — the real key is to turn your thinking around. You are in charge of your thoughts. Just say to yourself, “I am choosing to be happy today.” If you feel any negative thoughts start to creep in, just say it again — “I’m choosing to be happy.” Soon enough, your outlook will change and you will be happier; you just have to realize it!
I hope some of these tips are helpful for you on your path to productivity! If you liked it, please share it on Pinterest.