If you’ve seen my 2019 Erin Condren Life Planner Launch post, then you know that I purchased two planners. This is the first year that I’ve bought the vertical layout again since the horizontal was created. My very first Life Planner was in the vertical layout and I’m excited to be trying it out again. Here’s a list of some of the things I like to do when I am moving into a new Life Planner:
First off, this new vertical planner is NOT replacing my current horizontal Life Planner. I love the horizontal layout and that one will still be my “main” planner, and it goes through December 2018. This new vertical Life Planner is going to be more of a “special project”/memory planner, and it covers July 2018 through June 2019. This planner officially starts on June 25th. If you want $10 off your first purchase, create an account through my link.
I chose the colorful option in this new vertical Life Planner. I just really love the fun colors and how each month has a different “theme color”. It keeps it interesting, so I don’t get bored with the same look week after week. Here’s a look at how I am moving into this new planner leading up to June 25th from front to back of the Life Planner:
Erin Condren sells these little sheer-color circle stickers that work super well for color coding special dates in the year-at-a-glance section of the Life Planner. I like to block out special dates, vacations, and birthdays with different colors. It’s nice to be able to visually see which months have events going on. This is one of the easiest ways for me to start moving into a planner.
The “goals” section is next in the Erin Condren Life Planner. I call it the goals section, but it can be whatever you want. In my main planner, I write out all my long-term goals for the year by category — finances, health, work, etc. You could do it how I do, or anyway that works best for you. With this planner, I will use my little sticky notes to just map out what I think my plan will be. I am not ready to write in this section yet, so using the stickies lets me have the flexibility to move things around and change my mind.
I don’t really like to “plan ahead” with stickers or pen because I enjoy the process of picking out stickers and decorating as the week is approaching. With this planner, I will only be using the Erin Condren stickers provided in the back of the Life planner, or the ones that I bought in the separate sticker books. I’m excited about it because the Erin Condren stickers are really pretty this year, and the separate sticker book has a lot of color options and styles. It’ll be a little bit of a fun challenge and since this isn’t my “main” planner, I think it’ll be great.
If I know I have an event or some kind of plans, I will use the sticky notes again to sort of pre-plan. This lets me track my plans without having to commit with pen in my planner. I also like to pop in a little bookmark into my current week so that I can easily flip to that section. I like the smaller bookmarks because they don’t bulk up my planner and add a little bit of style.
I will be taking this planner with me on the go, so I will also be using one of the elastic planny packs to keep my pens, markers, highlighters, whiteout, and paper tape. The planny pack easily wraps around the planner, so it can keep my planner secure and carry by stuff at the same time. I also really like the woven wonder design.
I am excited to use my new planner; it’s always fun to start fresh and I am looking forward to trying out the vertical again. If you are making your first purchase with Erin Condren, be sure to use my link for $10 off.