We all know that we’re in uncertain times, and things can feel a little scary. During this time especially, it’s important to protect your energy and focus on the things that you can control. Here are 8 things to do during self isolation:
Clean Your Space

Take this time isolating at home to really deep clean and declutter your space. You’ll feel so much better with a super clean house, and the act of cleaning is a positive task you can feel proud of. I feel incredibly fortunate to have a safe space to call home, and giving it a deep clean helps me to feel better while improving the environment.
Start A Creative Hobby
I really enjoy knitting, and I am so glad that I have some project-ready yarn at home. I just finished knitting my Marled Magic Sweater and I wear it every day. Creating something is so rewarding and relaxing. I am currently working on my Tundra Jumper and loving how it’s coming along.
If you enjoy writing or photography, you could start a blog; or if your interested in drawing, try using Procreate for iPad.
Learn Something New

This is a good time to invest some time into learning something new. Use Duolingo for learning a new language, or take a free online course in a new subject. If you’d rather multi-task, get a free audio-book download to learn on the go.
Earn Some Extra Money
I talked about ways to earn money from home in another post, but MTurk is probably the quickest way to start earning and easiest during self isolation. It’s not huge money, but you can build up to bigger HITs or bonuses. If you are fortunate enough to be able to work from home during this time, you can still do smaller HITs on MTurk throughout the day. Working from home is can be a challenge if you aren’t used to it, but here are some tips to make working from home easier.

Even if you can’t go to the gym, you can still do a workout at home. Working out can help to refresh your mind and body. Sure, it can be easy to lay in bed and watch YouTube all day, but 30 minutes of exercise will do wonders for your mental health. There are a lot of free online workouts you can do. Now is a great time to get in shape.
Recharge with Self Care
Taking some time for self-care is important all the time. Do things that make you feel good about yourself. I like to take a bath, paint my nails, and do my skincare routine. Maybe you like to read, play a video game, or watch a movie — whatever you do, make sure you’re feeling recharged from it. I recently got Animal Crossing: New Horizons on Nintendo Switch and it’s been so relaxing and fun for me.
Connect With Friends & Family

Even though we may be apart from friends and family, it’s important to check in with them. Use FaceTime or other video chat to connect with everyone. It’s just an easy way to feel close to them and to help you not feel so isolated.
Focus on the Things You Can Control
It’s crazy how so much has changed so quickly, and it’s concerning to think about where things are projected to go. But it doesn’t do anyone any good to be stressed and panic about it. Instead, I am choosing to focus on the things that I can control.
- Focusing on keeping a positive outlook
- Staying informed, but not letting the news cause me to spiral into negativity
- Staying at home/self-isolating
- Being kind to others + social distancing
- Limiting social media

It’s good to be informed about what’s going on in the world, but I find that it can be overwhelming and sad for me. So, I read what’s going on, and then I put my phone away.
Of course, I am staying home and self-isolating now. It’s important that we all do what we can to flatten the curve. But when we do leave the house (grocery store/food), it’s important to remember to be kind to others. The last few times I’ve been to the store, there have been some rude people and panic buyers. I can only focus on myself and being kind. We will get through this a lot more smoothly if we can all be kind to one another.
I’m choosing to limit my social media in general, but especially now. It seems a little tone deaf to see so many fashion bloggers talking about “Shop My Quarantine Looks!”. This time is so uncertain — and I don’t think we need to be afraid — but many people have lost their jobs and are struggling already. Now is not the time to be shopping for things you don’t need.
Living intentionally and being mindful about your purchases is so important right now. Some people are needing emergency items or essentials just to live and the shipping companies are doing their best to deliver. Be mindful of the impact your purchases are having if they aren’t essential items. We don’t know how this will all unfold, so it’s better to keep your money liquid if you’re able to.
Overall Thoughts
Sheltering in place can still be really productive. There are a lot of little things that you can do to protect your energy and stay focused on things we can control.
Things aren’t normal right now, but that doesn’t mean we should panic. We just need to do the best we can to stop the spread and take things seriously. Please stay home and self isolate as much as you can; and practice social distancing while you’re out. ♡♡