I knit this cute little cardigan for my niece as a quick project after completing my Briochevron Blanket. I wish I had planned it out a little better, but I’m still happy with how it turned out. Check out my knitting experience:
Author: muffinchanel.com
This Briochevron Blanket looked so squishy and fun when I first found the pattern. I knew it would be repetitive and challenging, but I set out to practice my brioche at the beginning of the year and this blanket certainly gave me that! Now that it’s complete, I am so proud of it. Here’s my experience knitting the Briochevron Blanket by Stephen West:
2020 Knitting Project Status
At the beginning of the year, I shared my knitting project plans. I wanted to challenge myself with new techniques and practice my brioche. Now that we’re halfway through the year, I thought it’d be good to check in and share my progress and changes in my plan.
With quarantine in effect, I started to make more meals at home. Quiche has always been a favorite for me, but I had never tried making it vegan. This recipe is so easy and tastes better than I remember from my old recipes; definitely give it a try!
The new Erin Condren Life Planners are officially available on Wednesday, April 29th, but if you are an EC Insider you get early access (starting TODAY through the 28th). Here’s a sneak peek at the new Life Planners, why I keep using a paper planner, and a look at what I have in my cart:
Tundra Jumper | Knitting Experience
I have already knit this Tundra Sweater before (once for my husband and a cute mini version for my dog). I was super excited because this was my first real attempt at knitting color work. I loved how it turned out for my family, so I was excited to knit one for myself! Keep reading for my experience knitting the Tundra Jumper by The Petite Knitter:
We all know that we’re in uncertain times, and things can feel a little scary. During this time especially, it’s important to protect your energy and focus on the things that you can control. Here are 8 things to do during self isolation:
This year, I really wanted to challenge myself with my knitting and learn some new techniques. I planned for a few projects that looked challenging, but also really fun to knit and wear/use. I think the project that I was most excited about was this Marled Magic Sweater by Stephen West. This sweater was so much fun to make and I am so happy with how it turned out; here’s my knitting experience:
Starting April 30th, there will be some changes to the Beauty Insider program at Sephora. Here’s everything you need to know, plus how these changes will affect how I shop:
With so many fun knitting projects and so many beautiful yarns out there, it can be hard to decide what to cast on next. Now that I’m more comfortable with knitting, I’ve been looking for some more challenging patterns that will be fun to knit, and help me learn more techniques. If you’re looking for some knitting inspiration, here’s a look at the projects that I plan on knitting this year:
The colder weather can do a number on my skin — my mostly normal skin is more dry and my lips are chapped. Even though our California winters aren’t the coldest, everyone can benefit from a good cold weather beauty routine. This is my winter skincare routine:
Living intentionally is all about living your life on purpose, and being mindful about yourself and what’s going on around you. Over the years, I’ve made some changes that have helped me live a more intentional life which has helped me to simplify everything and hopefully they can inspire you as well. Here are 9 ways that I choose to live intentionally:
I have been constantly knitting since my first Flax Sweater, and I’ve been enjoying each new project. I recently completed this Le Pouf Sweater and wanted to share my experience.
Another month has gone by and we are so close to 2020! November was a great month for us, and I’m looking forward to what fun things December holds. Here are a few thing that I have been loving from November: