Blog Creativity

Valentine’s Day DIY | Paper Flowers

This post may contain affiliate links; all opinions are my own. See Disclosures here

This is such a cute DIY that you can easily make for you Valentine or your friends or family. Paper flowers are beautiful and they won’t while like real flowers (and are less expensive)! Your valentine will love that you made them a personalized gift and you will have fun making these fun flowers.

muffinchanel paper flowers valentines day pattern easy quick fun cute gift ideaYou will need:

muffinchanel paper flowers valentines day pattern easy quick fun cute gift idea1. Use the pattern to cut out at least 8 petal shapes, 1 – 2 leaf shapes, and the center flower shape.

2. Use the hot glue gun to glue the petal shapes together at the split — this will create a more realistic petal shape and give the flower dimension.

3. Begin gluing the petals onto one another in a spiral layer.

4. Continue layering on petals until you reach the desired shaper/texture of your flower.

muffinchanel paper flowers valentines day pattern easy quick fun cute gift ideaNext add the tissue paper to the center flower and then add that to the main flower. muffinchanel paper flowers valentines day pattern easy quick fun cute gift ideaNext, you attach the floral wire to a small circle of card stock. This will be the base to attach the wire to the flower. These Valentine’s Day Paper Flowers are super easy to make!muffinchanel paper flowers valentines day pattern easy quick fun cute gift ideaFinally, you add the floral tape to the wire to polish the look. Add a ribbon to the flowers or pop them in a cute vase to give to your valentine!

Other types of Paper Flower DIY is super cute for mother's day or valentine's day. Making more of these this weekend. MuffinChanel.

Check out another DIY HERE. Or Click HERE for my 2014 Valentine’s Day Gift Guide or see another paper flower DIY that’s even easier!

Everything you need for Paper Flower DIY is super cute for mother's day or valentine's day. Making more of these this weekend. MuffinChanel.

Blog Creativity

Quick & Easy Valentine’s Day DIY Gift

This post may contain affiliate links; all opinions are my own. See Disclosures here

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and if you’re looking for a quick and easy DIY gift, look no further. I found this simple Valentine’s Day themed candy jar idea through Pinterest from, so I thought I’d re-create it as a perfect gift for friends and family.

muffinchanel-valentines-day-diy-gift-materials-1024x661I love the Valentine’s Day themed M&M’s! Even though they taste the same, all Pink’s and Red’s seem magical. ❤ Anyway, it’s pretty straight forward — separate your M&M’s by color and layer them into your mason jar.

muffinchanel-valentines-day-2014-diy-craft-gift-ideas-1024x768Then, to make it a little extra special, I cut out a few hearts out of the red construction paper and wrote some fun Valentine’s Day themed notes — “I love you” & “You’re sweet”. I slid the hearts into the side of the jar so that they’ll show through the glass.

muffinchanel-valentines-day-2014-gift-guide-diy-1024x768As an extra detail, I cut a circle out of the construction paper to cover the lid of the mason jar. Then I cut a ‘tag’ out of the construction paper as a To: label and attached it to the jar with some red yarn. Super easy! Just make sure to get a smaller/cuter sized mason jar so the M&M’s can fill it all the way. 🙂

muffinchanel-mms-valentines-day-gift-guide-2014-diy1-1024x893I’ve been wanting to get more into Pinterest, so if you have an account, I’d love to start following you. Post your links in the comments! ❤